Full Stack Web Developer Berlin

I'm Matt. A Senior Full Stack Developer. I've been building & designing for the web since the early Naughties.

I cut my teeth building table based layouts with CGI backends as a teenager in the late 90s.

Ever since I've been on a journey of continual self-learning, re-learning & iteration.

Fast forward the best part of two decades and you'll find me building & helping teams to build PWAs, web sites, mobile & web apps with modern Javascript stacks & best practice with tools like Node, Webpack, React, GraphQL, PostgresSQL, Storybook & Gatsby.

I've had a wide exposure to an array of technologies and methodologies over the years, having worked for Software Houses, Creative & Digital Agencies, Startups, & NGOs as well as running my own businesses.

I have an eye for detail and an appreciation for aesthetics & try my best to apply design thinking to all areas of my work.

Sounds interesting? I'd love to hear from you.

Bringing over 15 years experience buildng Web Applications, web sites and digital products.

Things I'm good at and like doing:

  • Building rich web applications with React, Styled-Components, , GraphQL & Next.js.
  • Building Offline-first PWAs with React, PouchDB and Gatsby
  • Building Design Systems & Component libraries with Storybook
  • JAM Stacks
  • Bootstrapping projects & app boilerplate
  • Universal (isomorphic/SSR) rendering
  • Remote work
  • Responsive web design
  • Scaling code bases
  • Code stewardship
  • Functional Programming
  • Dev Tooling & Experience
  • Codifying and improving coding standards
  • Writing documentation

With experience at every layer of the stack & specialisation in the front-end I'm well placed to bring value to any team.

I thrive in diverse teams, ambitious contexts & fast-paced environments.

I like Javscript, CSS, nice people & building great things with them.

For more in depth information feel free to reach out & contact me or head over to StackOverflow to check out my Developer Story.